Ruty Bar, M.A.
Tel Aviv, Israel
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Ruty Bar, M.A., graduated from the Rubin Academy of Dance and Music in Jerusalem and earned a Master Degree in Movement Therapy from Lesley Boston University. Her Master’s Thesis focused on the ‘mind-body connection’, and the use of the Feldenkrais Method to treat people with special needs.
In her youth, Ruty was fortunate to receive individual lessons from Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, which led to her joining the first International Feldenkrais Federation sponsored Feldenkrais Practitioner’s course in Tel-Aviv in 1984.
Ruty is a warm and sophisticated trainer in the Feldenkrais Method. She teaches and directs training programs in Israel, Europe, Greece, Japan and the USA. Ruty lives with her husband and family, in Tel Aviv, Israel.